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GAFGerman Air Force Weapons School

German Air Force Weapons School


Main task of the German Air Force Weapons School is to train and enable key personnel of combined air warfare operations to become weapons instructors and experts in their respective disciplines.
Weapons Instructors are combat ready officers in their specific branch, finely tuned in the skills of integration, tactical leadership and instruction.

These experts are the guarantee for high level instruction in their fighter wings or units and serve as the point of contact for all tactical matters as well as future capability development in the GAFGerman Air Force HQsHeadquarters. Current branches are Typhoon and Tornado aircrews, C2 officers and Intelligence officers.

To cope with future challenges of air warfare operations, the GAFGerman Air Force Weapons School makes a decisive contribution to the further development of the Air Force through the genesis of experts and the harmonization of operational procedures for the various weapon systems.


  • Oberstleutnant Dirk Pingel

    Lieutenant Colonel Dirk Pingel

    Lt. COL. Dirk Pingel is the first commander of the GAFGerman Air Force Weapons School.
    He graduated on F4 FWIC in 20th Fighter Squadron Holloman AFB in 2004. He became squadron commander in 2009 and deputy flying group commander in Fighter Wing 74 Neuburg in 2012. Since 2015 he led five WICs.

Current Affairs

The GAFGerman Air Force Weapons School was inaugurated as an independent unit on 1 October 2019. The Commander reports directly to the Commander Flying Units in the Air Force Command.


Numbers, Data, Facts

Zwei Eurofighter und ein A400M fliegen über den Wolken.

1 guiding principle: Fight. Lead. Instruct.

6 months course duration

5 fields of skills: Eurofighter, Tornado, A400M, Air Battle Management, Military Intelligence

13 successful graduates in the course 2021



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